Hummingbird Systems, LLC

The Next Generation in Warehouse Automation Takes Flight!

Introducing Hummingbird, a three dimensional evolution of robotic warehouse automation for e-commerce fulfillment. Our solution is designed for real world warehouse operators looking to reduce cost, drive more revenue through existing square footage and respond to the challenges of the ever more demanding world of direct to consumer order fulfillment. 

Our Vision


Empowering efficiency through three-dimensional aerial precision: revolutionizing product picking with advanced drone technology.

Operational Savings

Transforming operations with cost-effective aerial solutions: our drones eliminate the need for human pick labor, optimize storage efficiencies, reduce complexity and overhead, while streamlining pick processes.

No ladders, No lifts. No people.

Remove labor costs and efficiently access vertical storage locations that heretofore have been used to house slow moving skus or packaging materials due to the inherent higher cost to pick. With Hummingbird every location is now automated and becomes a high velocity storage position. 

Contact Us:

Hummingbird Systems, LLC

110 Torrens St

Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4138